United Way

of the Upper Ohio Valley

We bring a comprehensive approach to every challenge, actively listening and responding to local needs. Our mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities in the Upper Ohio Valley! 

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Annual Community Giving Campaign - United Way Wheeling, WV


Help us fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. Every donation makes an impact.
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Volunteer your time, talent and energy and you will change the lives of the people that you help.
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Our Mission As a nonprofit organizationStrengthening the Upper Ohio Valley.

We are UNITED in improving Healthy Communities, Youth Opportunity, Financial Security, and Community Resiliency as a WAY to strengthen the Upper Ohio Valley.

The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley is the communities’ giving plan. With the support from our annual campaign, we strive to serve the biggest needs in our community and to make sure that charitable donations we receive are going the furthest they can to improve lives in this community.

United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley - Nonprofit Organization
CASA for Children trains community members to become Court Appointed Special Advocates who speak up for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the Courts of Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler Counties. CASA promotes and supports quality volunteer representation for abused and neglected children in the state foster care system in order to provide each child with a safe, permanent, nurturing home.CASA for Children

Our 4 Areas of ImpactHow we help.

Healthly Community

Improving health and well-being for ALL.

Youth Opportunity

Helping young people realize their full potential.

Financial Security

Building financial stability and strength.

Community Resiliency

Addressing urgent needs today for a better tomorrow.
United Way of the UOV - Wheeling Nonprofit
Nonprofit Donation Organization - Event

Member Spotlight — Harmony HouseGenerosity through Outreach

At a recent fundraising event at a local steakhouse, Harmony House was passing out flyers and educational materials. Many people stopped, talked, and asked questions. A number of adults had children with them, and some were very complimentary to our staff and auxiliary, thanking us for the work we do. At one point in the evening, a lovely couple that were exceptionally thankful of our work pulled two of us to the side, quietly. She pressed a $20 bill into my coworker’s hand and explained that she understood that we were not asking for donations that night but that she needed to give something to us. We thanked her for her kindness, but she went on. Without giving any details to their identity, she explained, teary eyed, that her son had recently began the process of adopting an abused child. She explained further that the child was of a very young age and that the child had 10 broken bones from the perpetrator. She understood that every child has a story, and that Harmony House helps to extract that story. In the case of this child, age and development would make that story nearly impossible to retrieve. But regardless of circumstances, this adoptive grandmother understood through our efforts with the other children we serve, we can make a difference. And she knew we do make a difference and her small donation was a token of her gratitude. She apologized that it was not more but regardless of the amount, the positive thanks she offered was priceless. This is the definition of success. If only every person we met felt as passionately about our mission. And moments like these… this is why we do what we do.

It is only through the generosity of donors like the United Way that we are able to provide this kind of emergency assistance to families in need.