The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley is very proud of the efforts our United Way member agencies are taking to help the community through the restrictions in place due to COVID-19. Our funded partners, along with many other non-profit agencies, have jumped into action quickly focusing on concerns of families during this confusing time. As reigns tighten to control this out break, our agencies’ resources are not only helpful but are a necessity. Large unexpected needs are tough on non-profit agencies’ budgets and we are asking our corporate and individual donors to consider supporting their efforts.
If you know of an agency responding to urgent needs, please consider donating to that organization. If you want to help and are looking for an avenue to do so, this is where the United Way can help. All year long, we raise money from community minded businesses and individuals through our annual campaign. Then through our allocations process, the money is distributed to agencies in the upper Ohio Valley that are serving the toughest needs. For this COVID-19 situation, we have made a special Community Response and Recovery Fund. As the funding is being collected, we will be taking applications from 501c3 agencies that are helping families that are in crisis due to the restrictions in place. Our staff and allocations committee will quickly review the applications and fund agencies that are supporting those efforts. 100% of your donations will STAY LOCAL and help residents of the upper Ohio Valley.
Donate here:
The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley is this community’s giving plan and we are proud to be able to help connect donors to solutions. Thank you for supporting your neighbors.