Two different Long-Term Flood Recovery Groups are helping to get survivors of the July floods back to a safe, sanitary and secure home and life. One for Marshall/Ohio Counties and the other for Wetzel County. Many needs have been met but there are still many out there that have unmet needs. With winter approaching quickly, we are trying diligently to get all individuals and families safe and secure for the cold weather. Furnaces, water heaters, foundation repair, water lines, washers and dryers are just a few of the items that have been replaced but there is still much more to do. If you have skills in drywall, painting, construction, electrical work, or plumbing and would like to donate your time and talents please click on the Volunteer tab and it will take you to our Get Connected site. Just click the search icon (magnifying glass) and find the Skilled laborers need for the Long Term Recovery Group. Sign up is easy and your efforts will be appreciated beyond measure. You can also call our office at 304-32-4625 and we will get you connected with one of the Long-Term Recovery Groups. Church groups, union groups, college groups are all welcome.