The survivor appeared at a local hospital for a forensic medical examination late one evening. The survivor
experienced horrific sexual trauma from an intimate partner, who had coerced and manipulated them into
believing that the abuser loved them. The individual took all of the right steps. They didn’t shower, brush
their teeth, change clothing, or use the restroom. All of the evidence was intact. They appeared with a
friend who had experienced something similar. The advocate appeared and explained the process of
reporting to law enforcement. The survivor decided that it was the best decision for their healing
journey. The gentle SANE nurse and advocate worked together to ensure there was no further trauma
by reliving the experience, so they called a specific law enforcement officer who was trained to assist this survivor. The survivor emotionally was able to talk about what had happened to them. The case is still ongoing, however, the survivor mentioned how thankful they were to have supportive people who believed them. The survivor is currently working with law enforcement to assist in the investigation, and working with the advocate to heal. Having a supportive group of professionals is imperative to the well-being and healing journey of each and every survivor SAHC serves.
-Sexual Assault Help Center