Susan is a 56 year old female who resides in one of our residential homes. She is transported daily to and from work by RNS staff. She has been employed with Watch for 14 years. She has been diagnosed with mild mental retardation and seizure disorder controlled by medicine. Her speech is somewhat difficult to understand, and shows articulation difficulties. She receives speech therapy one day per week. Susan tends to speak loud and gets louder when excited about something. She enjoys going to dance class, participating in peer support at Russell Nesbitt Services and working at Watch. Susan is usually always happy and it’s rare to see her without a huge smile on her face. She greets everyone in the mornings and tells staff and friends to have a good night and she will “see you in the morning!,” as she is leaving for the day. Susan works in the training center working on contracts with local businesses. Whether she is cleaning coins for Wheeling Downs, packaging screws for Liberty Distributors or packaging nozzles for Silgan Plastic, she will continue to ask when we are going to be done with this contract. She absolutely loves working in the Greenhouse! She becomes very excited and happy knowing that she gets to work outside. She will plant seeds, water flowers and help the customers shop by taking a cart around so they can load it up with flowers. She also helps take their purchases to their car. Watch provides meaningful opportunities with individuals with disabilities. These different employments have helped Susan interact socially with peers and customers. She exhumes confidence when she is praised for a job well done and works well with the customers that she encounters.
-WATCH-A Division of Russell Nesbitt Services