Community Success Stories Earl

“Earl is a 59 year old male who resides in Wheeling with his sister and her family. He has been employed with WATCH for 24 years. He has impaired vision, but it is corrected by wearing eyeglasses. He does communicate verbally, but his speech is difficult to understand due to poor articulation. When he becomes excited about something he tends to stutter. He also can become easily frustrated if you do not understand what he is trying to tell you.

Earl enjoys talking and joking around with staff and his peers. Although he is a hard worker and always willing to help, he does have a short attention span. Staff at times have to redirect him and remind him to focus on his work.

Earl relies on WATCH or his sister for transportation daily to and from work. Through his years employed with WATCH, he has rarely missed work and has proven to be very reliable and dependable.

Earl works on many different contract jobs at WATCH. His favorite job is working in the greenhouse. WATCH and Nicky’s Garden Center have collaborated to plant and grow flowers for Watches Greenhouse, Grow. Clients go to Nicky’s 2 to 3 days per week and have been preparing soil and planting seeds for flowers. He is very proud of the work that he accomplishes and makes sure to tell everyone that enters WATCH how hard he works.

WATCH provides many meaningful employment opportunities for the individuals with disabilities with the goal to integrate these individuals to work in the community. These different employment opportunities have helped Earl to gain confidence in himself and the work that he has accomplished.”

–  WATCH – A Division of Russell Nesbitt Services