We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations who are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from Tri-County Help Center: A mother with five children entered the shelter in January to escape a Domestic Violence situation. Shelter Advocates were quickly able to assist the client in meeting their immediate needs, such as shelter, food, and clothing. …
YMCA Leaders Live Out the “No Child Turned Away” Motto
We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations who are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from the YMCA in Wheeling: “I would like to take this opportunity to share another feel-good story with our friends at the United Way. I received a phone call from Child Protective Services last year asking me if …
YMCA Helps Child through Summer Camp
We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations that are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from YMCA: A young man approached me at the Y before the program began and stated “He was in a tough spot; he was in the process of starting a new job but needed daycare for his daughter so …
Brooke County Library Success Story 2022
We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations that are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from Brook County Public Library: “The library has been a very important part of one local patron’s life. This patron regularly uses the library for GeriFit Programs, movie showings, and circulation of reading materials. She also uses the meeting …
Harmony House Helps 15 Year Old Work Towards Healing
We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations that are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from Harmony House: “In 2021, our team at Harmony House met a shy, smart, 15-year-old girl named Emma. Emma had reluctantly disclosed to her father that her mother’s new husband, her stepfather, had been sexually abusing her. Emma’s father …
Wheeling Health Right Dental Clinic Helps Woman Get Her Smile Back
We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations that are demonstrating excellent care for our community members. This one comes from Wheeling Health Right: “A local cancer center called and asked if we could see one of their patients who was having major dental pain. She is receiving chemotherapy for Stage IV Lung Cancer and her teeth are …
The Seeing Hand Association Helps The Community
In November I attended the United Way agency meeting and spoke of my concern for one of my workers who had a severe mold problem in her home. I was trying to determine how we could help, when a man decided to take a look at the home on behalf of his company. After looking at her home, it was …
Wheeling Health Right Helps Those in Recovery
G was a resident of the YWCA WIND program who was in recovery from drugs and was rebuilding her life. She came to the clinic as a new patient, and as many people who are in recovery from substance abuse do, needed significant health care – and oral health care. She had lost nearly all of her teeth from the …
“The survivor experienced horrific sexual trauma from an intimate partner, who had coerced and manipulated them into believing that the abuser loved them.”
The survivor appeared at a local hospital for a forensic medical examination late one evening. The survivor experienced horrific sexual trauma from an intimate partner, who had coerced and manipulated them into believing that the abuser loved them. The individual took all of the right steps. They didn’t shower, brush their teeth, change clothing, or use the restroom. All of …
“…She had been left to raise their four children, with no family that was able to help…”
The father of a two-parent family suddenly caught pneumonia. He just continued to get sicker and sicker and then passed away. He was the bread winner of the home and his wife did not work since high school. She had been left to raise their four children, with no family that was able to help. They arrived at our homeless …