We are so lucky to have incredible community partners. Annually, Riesbeck’s and The Citizens Bank bring the Plaza West Fest to St. Clairsville.
This year’s event included live music from Twice As Nice, a Kids Corner-Filled with games and activities, free hot dogs, chips, water, United Dairy ice cream, live broadcast from Mix 97.3 and WTRF and the night was caped off with fireworks. All donations we collected in buckets held by volunteers from our partner agencies and the Wheeling Nailers. Everything collected was given to the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley.
We raffled off 2, 4 day passes to Jamboree In The Hills that were donated by Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration. We also raffled off a ride on a fire truck courtesy of the St. Clairsville Fire Department.
Thank you to Citizens Bank, Riesbeck’s, Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration, United Diary, Mix 97.3, WTRF, St. Clairsville Fire Department, the Wheeling Nailers and all of our volunteers for a successful event!