The American Electric Power Foundation has awarded a $20,000 grant to the “Let’s Start Fresh” program administered by the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley and coordinated by Information Helpline, a United Way agency.
The “Let’s Start Fresh” program began in August 2015 and is helping 12 social service agencies in five West Virginia counties provide a wider variety of fresh fruits and vegetables into food distribution or preparation. Funds are being distributed to several agencies to buy fresh fruits and vegetables each month. The manner in which the food is provided varies according to each organization’s needs, whether through congregate meals, home delivery or food basket distribution.
“The AEP Foundation is proud to assist the “Let’s Start Fresh” program provide clients better opportunities for healthful eating,” said Carmen Prati-Miller, manager, external affairs, AEP. “The program is a wonderful way for the agencies to better serve their clients with the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables.”
“The ‘Let’s Start Fresh’ program has made tremendous inroads to provide healthful foods to persons of all ages, from toddlers to seniors,” George Smoulder, United Way executive director, said. “Since the program began this summer, we have had very positive feedback from the agencies taking part. We are most thankful to the American Electric Power Foundation for its support.”
Below picture shows George Smoulder of the United Way accepting the check from Dan Moyer of AEP and Carment Prati-Miller also of AEP.