Agencies Brooke County Public Library

Brooke County Public Libraries

Contact Information:

Address: 945 Main St
Wellsburg, WV 26070

Name of Program Funded through United Way: Programming for Children, Young Adults, and Adults. (i.e., Storyhour, movie showings, Geri-Fit, instructional classes, etc.), ReadSquared, Imagination Library, Mobile HotSpots

Contact Name: Alexandra Schneider

Phone Number: 304-737-1551

Email: [email protected]


What is the Brooke County Public Library?

We are a small public library system serving Brooke County and its surrounding areas. The library is governed by a county-appointed 5-member Board of Trustees and run by a Library Director. The current service population of the county is 18,962. Between the main and the branch location, the libraries are open over 80+ hours a week.

Our Mission is transforming and enriching lives through access to information, services, and programming. Our libraries are a part of an automation consortium called West Virginia Library Network (WVLN) and an eBook/eAudiobook consortium WVReads via the OverDrive/Libby Platform.

Mission Statement

Transforming and enriching lives through access to information, services, and programming.

Vision Statement

Economic changes, demographic shifts, and technological advances impact library services. To provide quality programs, current collections, and expand library services, the Brooke County Public Library and Follansbee Branch will strive to do the following:

  • Networking with outside organizations to determine daily, weekly, and monthly community needs.
  • Subsequently, target the underserved populations with social service agencies and local organizations’ aid and supply special programming and resources.
  • Broaden outreach to homeschoolers, public educational systems, and local technical schools, colleges, and universities by all means.
  • Additionally, working to develop and provide training classes for job assistance focusing on computer classes and resume writing.
  • Simultaneously expand outreach services to seniors and the elderly based on feedback from our local Senior Center, Social Service Agencies, Civic Groups, and local organizations.
  • Likewise, select library resources, including all formats, that appeal to all age groups for reading, listening, and viewing.
  • Furthermore, provide the latest in technological applications for enhanced services to the general public
  • work with Board Members of the American Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor Education Research Museum to sustain shared access to the main library location
  • search for capital improvement opportunities for the libraries

How does the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley support Brooke County Public Library?

United Way currently supports Programming for Children, Young Adults, and Adults. (i.e., Storyhour, movie showings, Geri-Fit, instructional classes, etc.), our virtual reading platform ReadSquared which digitally allows patrons to participate in reading programs, helps with Brooke County’s Imagination Library subscription which supports all youth birth to 5 in receiving a book monthly via USPS, as well as Mobile Hotspots that are circulated in Brooke County for any patrons who have a valid library card and are over 18 years of age.

Many of the Library’s events are free but still require registration. Make sure to call or visit the website for more information. Brooke County Public Library can be found on Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

Check out our other member agencies and learn more about their programs here!

About the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley

The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley supports Ohio County, Tyler County, Marshall County, Wetzel County, Brooke County in West Virginia, and Belmont County and Monroe County in Ohio. Donating through your local United Way is the best way to reach the most people in need. 

The United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley is an organization that supports nonprofit organizations in our area through annual campaigns, payroll deduction fundraising efforts, and individual donations. These community-minded people combine donations from employees and businesses alike to help assist those who need it most. The support from the annual campaign is then allocated to nonprofit programs through our volunteer allocations panels. We support 40 programs (and counting) in the upper Ohio Valley that tackle the toughest needs in the Ohio Valley. Consider giving to the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley today.

Community Success Stories

Check out the following Community Success Stories for examples of how Brooke County Public Library has impacted our community.

Brooke County Library Success Story 2022

We’re sharing success stories from UW member organizations that are demonstrating excellent care for our community members.    This one comes from Brook County Public Library: “The library has been a very important part of one local patron’s life. This patron regularly uses the library for GeriFit Programs, movie showings, and circulation of reading materials. She also uses the meeting ...

Read Story